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Web Design & Development Methodology

To ensure that we deliver a solution that delivers the desired result, we follow a well established process of work towards our web design and development services. It consists of 5 distinct phases outlined below.

This phase involves understanding the needs and expectations of the client and also figuring out gaps in the client’s needs. Our aim is to value add right from the start of a relationship and we try to identify those requirements that are sometimes missed by a client but are critical towards a project’s success. The discovery process involves collecting all available information, several question and answer sessions and also researching competitor strengths and weaknesses.

Our creative director along with our business experts identify a solution that is most likely to achieve the desired result. Unlike many companies in the industry whose aim is to make a product that mostly looks good on their portfolio but achieves nothing substantial for the client, our focus is ALWAYS achieving the desired results. We think from the point of view of a customer first while conceptualizing a solution.

Nothing is more important to us than creating a winning solution for our clients.

Our development process is built around a few important constraints. We make products that are serviceable, easily updateable and we don’t incorporate unnecessary bells and whistles. Everything should have a function. We endeavor to utilize as much re-usable code as possible from our code repository and pass on these savings to our customers.

Nothing kills momentum like a poor launch. We factor in quality assurance, testing, third party assistance if any, prior to all launches. The team we assemble to participate on your project is committed to meeting deadlines as well as always ensuring quality.

Post Launch Analysis
After each launch, we try to identify results and experiences that can be useful to the client and which add to our collective experience.

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Big Apple Design Group
134 West 29th Street
Third Floor
New York, NY 10001

[email protected]

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