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Information Graphics Design Services

We help brands communicate effectively with prospective customers via information graphics (infographics). Infographics quickly convey to a customer/stakeholder the gist of a report or document and generally condenses a lot of information into an easy to understand visual graphic. It is also a technique used to bring attention to salient facts in a large report.

The use of infographics has ballooned with the web becoming the most prevalent medium of supplying information from businesses to customers and all stakeholders.

Why use information graphics?
The attention span of people in terms of reading voluminous information or processing data presented in multiple tables, however organized it may be, is limited. The limitations may be due to training, knowledge or simply lack of time. On the web, it is an accepted fact that people’s interest spans just a few seconds for most web pages.

An infographic cuts through these limitations by quickly conveying an idea in a few seconds thereby increasing the chances that a reader will spend more time evaluating your content or whatever case you are trying to make.

By selectively using animation and visual content we bump up the interest and engagement levels of corporate websites. Our information graphic designers are industry veterans. We take the time to organize your data, understand your pain points and we then give you infographic options. We understand that your clients may wish to access these infographics via a PDF or PowerPoint presentation or within a website. We design for maximum impact and minimum rework.

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Big Apple Design Group
134 West 29th Street
Third Floor
New York, NY 10001

[email protected]

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